Veterans Day

It’s all about remembering where we come from and why we have the lives we live. Members of Veterans Voices Military Group do remember. We take our experience to our community to keep the service of our veterans, and the need to support our veterans, foremost in the public eye.


We were able to reinstitute our Veterans Day Pancake Breakfast this year, and what a great success it was. Veterans Voices Military Group and the United Methodist Men of Faith UMC worked together to sponsor this event. The breakfast was free for everyone, but free will offerings were accepted with the stated purpose of providing postage funds for Kruse’s Krew to send holiday packages to our deployed troops. $1120.00 was collected and donated to Kruse’s Krew.

(Below): Members of the Veterans Voices Military Group Color Guard presented and posted the colors at all three church services on Veterans Day weekend.

(Above L-R) Some of the men who spent the morning in the kitchen preparing the food.

(Left) The walls of the Fellowship Hall were adorned with pictures and short biographies of many of our veterans, past and present.

(Above) Attendees at the breakfast also had the opportunity to complete Christmas cards to be placed in the packages Kruse’s Krew will be sending to our deployed troops.

(Below left & right) Veterans Voices Military Group members served breakfast to approximately 100 people.

Visit the archives of Veterans Voices Military Group activities on previous Veterans Days by selecting a year (below).


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic there were no Veterans Day pancake breakfasts either of these years. The Veterans Day Service normally conducted at Faith United Methodist Church was available only on-line and was a video of a past observance.