Supporting the Troops
Veterans Voices Military Group supports the Orland Park Veterans Commission Support Our Troops program by raising funds for postage and collecting goods to be sent to soldiers overseas. There are also two local groups with a similar mission: Kruses Krew (Jim Kruse), and Mrs. Jackie’s Soldiers (Jackie Connelly). Each of these groups has been carrying out this mission for over 15 years. Veterans Voices Military Group also supports the troops by assisting in the effort to have attendees at our events write cards to the service members who receive these packages.
Soldiers deployed overseas display the “goodies” they received in “care” packages sent to them by Kruze’s Krew and Mrs. Jacky’s Soldiers. Veterans Voices Military Group supports these groups, and our service members, by collecting money and material.
Attendees at the Veterans Voices Military Group Veterans Day program were given the opportunity to write Christmas cards to be sent to service members deployed overseas. Theses cards are included in the packages.