William Grizzle


A Tribute to the Life of William Grizzle (aka Griz, Wild Bill, Grandpaw, Mr. G.) (father of Bill Grizzle):

William Grizzle was born June, 1924, and died August, 2013, at the age of 89. He served as a proud member of the US Army in Europe and the Philippines during World War II, as a Staff Sargent.

He wasn't a man of many words. He taught his family by example. All of these "teachings" weren't actually verbalized. Instead, the children learned by his example, how to treat people with great respect, to be humble, that we are all created equal. He always had a kind word and a smile on his face. He had a strong work ethic and was always willing to help. He lived a simple life and he taught his family practical things, like how to fix a faucet, tune up a car and paint rooms in some really wild colors. (The man was color blind!)

His motto was, “If it ain't broke, don't fix it!”

William and his wife provided for all of the family’s basic needs. They gave them the tools to succeed in their lives. Those lessons have been passed on to their grandchildren.